Materialities of Care: Domestic Entanglements Across Species

Fall 2021
Instructor: Adam Marcus

This advanced architecture studio explores innovative material assemblies as a site for reconsidering contemporary domesticity in the context of ecological change and climate adaptation. The studio looks to principles of mutualism and cohabitation as a way to imbue architecture with a renewed ethos of care at multiple ecological scales. We study models of both human and more-than-human habitation as precedents and inspiration for how architects might re-conceptualize and re- materialize domestic space. Central to this inquiry is a focus on techniques of design computation and digital fabrication, and how such tools can be leveraged to open up new material strategies for domestic habitation across scales and species.

The intent is to consider how potential entanglements among beings and species may offer new possibilities for productive coexistence and ecological care.

Students, Fall 2021: Suvin Choi, Gerardo Garcia Juarez, Alden Gendreau, Wing Kiu Ho, Hsiao Chun Hou, Kushaal Jhaveri, Woohyung Kim, Hongjie Kuang, Yitian Ma, Colin Murdock, Amalia Pulgar, David Rico-Gomez, Wan Yan